In Go, interfaces play a significant role in achieving polymorphism and abstraction. They define a set of method signatures that a type must implement to satisfy the interface contract. In this article, we’ll delve into what interfaces are, why they are useful, explore the concept of empty interfaces, and discuss some common useful interfaces in Go, accompanied by comprehensive code examples.

What is an Interface in Go?

An interface in Go is a type that specifies a set of method signatures. It serves as a contract that a type implicitly satisfies if it implements all the methods declared by that interface. Interfaces provide a way to achieve polymorphism and abstraction, enabling different types to be used interchangeably.

Interface Example:

package main

import (

// Define an interface named Shape
type Shape interface {
    Area() float64
    Perimeter() float64

// Define a struct named Rectangle
type Rectangle struct {
    Width  float64
    Height float64

// Define a struct named Circle
type Circle struct {
    Radius float64

// Implement the Shape interface for Rectangle
func (r Rectangle) Area() float64 {
    return r.Width * r.Height
func (r Rectangle) Perimeter() float64 {
    return 2 * (r.Width + r.Height)

// Stringer Interface: Override Default String Method of Struct for Rectangle
func (r Rectangle) String() string {
    return reflect.TypeOf(r).String() + fmt.Sprintf("{ Width: %f, Height: %f }", r.Width, r.Height)

// Implement the Shape interface for Circle
func (r Circle) Area() float64 {
    return math.Pi * r.Radius * r.Radius
func (r Circle) Perimeter() float64 {
    return 2 * math.Pi * r.Radius

// Stringer Interface: Override Default String Method of Struct for Circle
func (c Circle) String() string {
    return reflect.TypeOf(c).String() + fmt.Sprintf("{ Radius: %f }", c.Radius)

// Method with interface type as an argument
func Measure(shape Shape) {
    fmt.Println("Shape:", shape)
    fmt.Println("Area:", shape.Area())
    fmt.Println("Perimeter:", shape.Perimeter())

func main() {
    // Create a Rectangle instance
    rectangle := Rectangle{Width: 5, Height: 3}
    circle := Circle{Radius: 5}

    // Call methods defined by the Shape interface
    fmt.Println("Rectangle Area:", rectangle.Area())

    // Pass objects who implements Shape Interface

In this example, the Shape interface defines two methods: Area() and Perimeter(). The Rectangle and Circle struct implements these methods, satisfying the interface contract. Creating Measure method with interface type as an argument will process given shape implementation.


$ go run interface.go
Rectangle Area: 15

Shape: main.Rectangle{ Width: 5.000000, Height: 3.000000 }
Area: 15
Perimeter: 16

Shape: main.Circle{ Radius: 5.000000 }
Area: 78.53981633974483
Perimeter: 31.41592653589793

Why are Interfaces Useful?

Interfaces offer several advantages in Go, making them a fundamental feature of the language. Some key benefits of using interfaces include:

  • Flexibility: Interfaces allow code to be more flexible by enabling different types to satisfy the same interface contract, promoting code reuse and extensibility.
  • Polymorphism: Interfaces enable polymorphic behavior, allowing different types to be treated uniformly, leading to cleaner and more modular code.
  • Abstraction: Interfaces provide a level of abstraction, allowing users to work with types without needing to know their specific implementations.

Empty Interface

An empty interface in Go is an interface with zero methods. It serves as a type that can hold values of any type. While powerful, the use of empty interfaces should be judicious, as it can lead to loss of type safety.


package main

import "fmt"

// Function accepting an empty interface as an argument
func describe(i interface{}) {
    fmt.Printf("Type: %T, Value: %v\n", i, i)

func main() {
    // Usage of empty interface


$ go run interface.go
Type: int, Value: 42
Type: string, Value: hello
Type: bool, Value: true

In this example, the describe() function accepts an empty interface as an argument, allowing it to accept values of any type.

Common Useful Interfaces

Go provides several common useful interfaces that are widely used in various scenarios. Some of the most common ones include:

1. Stringer Interface:

The Stringer interface defines the String() method, which returns a human-readable string representation of an object.


type Stringer interface {
    String() string

We have already used this by creating String() implementation on Rectangle and Circle.

2. Reader and Writer Interfaces:

The Reader and Writer interfaces define methods for reading from and writing to data streams, respectively.


type Reader interface {
    Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)

type Writer interface {
    Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

3. Error Interface:

The error interface is a built-in interface that defines the Error() method, which returns an error message.


type error interface {
    Error() string

Code example:

package main

import (

// CustomError is a custom error type that implements the Error() method
type CustomError struct {
    message string

// Error returns the error message for CustomError
func (ce CustomError) Error() string {
    return ce.message

// MethodThatMayFail simulates a function that may return an error
func MethodThatMayFail(input int) (int, error) {
    if input < 0 {
        return 0, CustomError{"Input should be a non-negative number"}
    return input * 2, nil

func main() {
    // Call MethodThatMayFail with a valid input
    result, err := MethodThatMayFail(5)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Result:", result)

    // Call MethodThatMayFail with an invalid input
    result, err = MethodThatMayFail(-1)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Error:", err)
    } else {
        fmt.Println("Result:", result)


$ go run interface.go
Result: 10
Error: Input should be a non-negative number

In this example:

  • We define a custom error type CustomError that implements the Error() method of the error interface.
  • The MethodThatMayFail function simulates a function that may return an error. If the input is negative, it returns a CustomError instance with an error message. Otherwise, it returns the doubled input along with nil.
  • In the main function, we call MethodThatMayFail twice - once with a valid input (5) and once with an invalid input (-1).
  • When an error occurs, the function returns the error message encapsulated in a CustomError instance. We handle these errors by checking if the err variable is nil. If it’s not nil, we print the error message using fmt.Println. Otherwise, we print the result.


Interfaces are a powerful feature in Go that enable polymorphism, abstraction, and flexibility in code. By defining a set of method signatures, interfaces allow different types to satisfy the same interface contract, promoting code reuse and modularity. Understanding interfaces and how to use them effectively is essential for writing clean, maintainable, and scalable Go code. With the examples provided in this article, you should now have a solid understanding of interfaces in Go and how to leverage them in your own code.

Simplicity is the soul to efficiency.
Happy coding! 🚀